Imaginative Logo: Season Eight of Arby 'n' the Chief / JAE NEWS!

About a year ago we were fortunate enough to have Jon CJG write a few comedic articles for the JAE.

Now of course Jon had to go and debut a season eight of his hit online show "Arby 'n' the Chief" quite arguably one of the web's most original and addictive shows!

If you're a part of the original audience then no explanation is needed, if you're just a newbie interested in finding out what all the commotion is about make sure to check out his show over on his YouTube trust us, you will NOT regret watching this show.

If you like what you see make sure to head on over to his Patreon to help him improve the quality of the show head on over here.

NOW, as for Jackass Express related news...We are excited to announce we are now in works creating a more consistent and available show for our small circle of the internet, which of course comes to you for free and always will.

So what is the future of the Jackass Express Podcast?  Let's just say we've been waiting for technology to catch up to what we have in mind, and we are almost there. So for now if you've missed us make sure to check out one of our sister podcasts the Why Did Ask For Podcast, Pat is hanging out over there quite a bit (mooch).

They just finished an amazing charity live stream for Extra Life and blew passed their goal of $500 to a whopping $617, for a beginner style podcast that is really a HUGE deal, and we are super proud to be associated with them, keep up the good work guys!

That's it for now folks keep your eye on here for more updates!

-JAE Crew


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